Sunday, March 14, 2010

Poor Grandpa

Grandpa Jeff came home yesterday from the hospital, which is nice cause it has to be more comfortable being in your own home then the hospital.

Jeffry left today to go back down to the cities, while I decided to stay here and help with Jeff Sr.'s first week home after having surgery to mend his shattered tibia and fibula. This is our first break from each other since before David was born... so it's gonna be hard for the two of us. Jeff is surely going to miss David's smiling face every day when he gets home from work... the daddy time he gets in the evenings... the "grrs" and the "dadas". I'm gonna miss having his warmth at night, feeling him next to me makes me feel safe... yeah, this is gonna be tough. But at least I have Grandma here to help with David, cause she sure doesn't' mind helping out with him. ;)

Any way, I'm just sticking around this week so one of us can always be with Jeff Sr. at all times in case he needs something... at least till he gets comfortable getting around with his walker.

Jeffry will come back up on Friday to spend the weekend, then we'll both go back home on Sunday.

Unfortunately I forgot my card reader, so I won't have any cute pictures to upload till next weekend... this makes me sad. :( :( :( I have so many to share!!

Any way, I must go and put the little rug rat to bed.
Sweet dreams my friends.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


Jeff said...

I miss you guys! The week will go fast, though!

Krista said...

it hasn't gone fast enough!!!!