Friday, August 13, 2010


A day before David's big 1st birthday bash, I got the art itch and actually got a entry done for the facebook graffiti contest.  This contest is about emotions, telling a story.  I chose to do Sweet... at least for my first one.  I worked so long on it... 6 hours I think?  I should of been cleaning, but I just felt I had to finish it or my heart would burst and I would fall to pieces.  Maybe its my coping skill for David turning one?

Any way, we have everything all set up for the party... we have a little more cleaning to do in the morning.  My sister in law made cupcakes and David's birthday cake... I have yet to see them, Jeff is on his way home with them right now... needless to say, I'm SUPER excited to see them.  She wouldn't even give me a peak... so I'm curious. ;)

More people then I thought are coming... which melts my heart knowing they care for my little man ... makes me want to dance around the house singing. :)

OOOO Jeff is home... gotta go. Love!

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