"[He] resumed contemplation of his toes. These, to his never-failing and delighted surprise, continued to be ten in number, no matter how suddenly and without warning he descended upon them; his startled cataloguing of the suspicious members constituted at present his chief employment, and the subsequent deep breath of... relief on finding that all was well and not one of them had escaped his vigilance was one of the joys of his parents." - Josephine Daskam, The Memoirs of a Baby (1904)
I love sitting here watching my son interact with his toes... out of all the toys and objects around him, he perfers his feet. The sounds of joy and pure happiness when he gets that first sock off just melts my heart, and no matter how my day is going, he gets a smile from the ashes of my frowns.
You just can't NOT smile when he obsesses over those cute tasty little feet.
After awhile, I too have to join him and see what it so fun about his feet... exploring his tiny little toes, feeling them wrap around my fingers as he flexes them and wiggles them, all the while with a huge grin on his face. Then just for fun, I have to give them a taste, so I kisses them toe by toe, then the soles. That really gets him squeeling. Mmm nothing like baby toes. :)
Oh! to be a child again... the simple joys... makes me feel like I remember what it was to be like a infant child... though I think I'm mistakened... I really don't think I remember anything any more... now its all just fiction in my mind. Telling stories back and forth in baby talk to David... he tells stories back... while we share the sweet baby smells and taste of his cute, sweet, tasty little feet.
Its nice to pretend...
I love the story of the toes almost as much as I love the toes themselves. The new wallpaper really fits btw.
OK, this is the best and most artistic website I've ever visited! I love all the pictures, your design, and the MUSIC. How do you do that???? But most especially I love your thoughts, Krista. What a precious time in your life. I love you so much.
Toes and feet, so so so beautiful!
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