Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'll take that milk to go please...

This past week has been a rough when it comes to sleeping patterns.

Its so weird!! He'll be sleeping good and through the night for 5-6 days then BAM! out of no where he'll be screaming every morning around 3am for food... (sometimes its just cause he rolled on his stomach and is too tired to roll back.) But usually it's for food. I usually let him cry for a couple minutes and sometimes he'll just fall back asleep, but my Aunt Chris just got here last night and is sleeping in the room next to the nursery, so I am frantic about keeping him happy and quiet at night. Not everyone has to lose out on sleep like I do! ;)

I was up 3 times this morning... twice for rolling on the tummy, and once for the feeding... /sigh


I'm strongly considering Enfamil restful sleep formula to see if that helps him sleep through the night. I've never EVER given him formula... but I'm starting to get desperate! A friend of mine said her son really slept well with it, so I'm thinking... Maybe?

I've tried feeding right before bed time, cereal before bed time... BOTH right before bed time... and that usually just gave him gas... or a tummy ache, so we don't do that any more.

Other than the sleeping problem, David has been doing very well... almost got crawling down... he's gotten one knee forward so far, but Mr. Balance always throws him off. He's also gotten to experience more of the food groups, as well as learning to play with finger foods... he still doesn't have that down yet. He did manage to get one puff into his mouth yesterday for the first time. But I had to put it between his thumb and index finger for him to get him to do it. heh.

I wish I had a picture to upload with this post... this week was too much of a drain for me to even consider picking up my camera.

Baby, coffee, cleaning, laundry, Baby, cleaning, Baby, Baby, Baby, (food somewhere in the mix of things), oh and did I say baby? Jeff let me sleep in a bit this morning, but it was pretty restless for me. So today is a tired day for me, but at least its the weekend and I have the family here if I need a break. Thank GOD for that! :)

I hope you all have a great weekend!! Soak in some sunshine for me if you have any where you're at... cause it looks like another dreary day here in Minnesota. How I miss the sun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh poop...I so so so so so remember those days with my middle son, Evan! I hope he starts to sort himself out there.

How are his naps in the day!? I found that I had to start cutting out some time for napping in the day, to allow him to sleep more in the evening! Maybe that will help?

All the best with figuring it out though, I know how tough it can be, esp. not getting much sleep yourself at night!!
