Last night was rough... David woke and would NOT go back to sleep for two hours... no idea why. He wouldn't let me put him down, so I just held him and rocked him, kissed his precious head, and prayed for sleep. When he did finally sleep, what ever the issue was went away and he woke up around 7 for his breakfast and was his usual perky self. I received his enormous "GOOD MORNING MOMMA" smile, along with some squeaks and squeals, and yummy raspberry kisses. No matter how tired I am, he makes me wake up and smile... I just can't frown at that cute little face... which I have to learn to control when he's actually doing something I don't want him doing... but its so hard, cause he always smiles that heart melting smile at me.
(Must learn to say no... must learn to say no... MUST learn to say no.)
This morning I had him on his floor mat and got myself on my hands and knees and showed him how to crawl. He's been getting so close to getting those cherub legs underneath him ... so Grandma George came over and helped hold him up enough to balance and we practiced the crawling method. He seems really excited at this idea... and I'm scared out of my mind. I have this list my mind is going through every second of every day of what needs to be done to baby proof my parents basement... which I can't see happening to how I feel it needs to be done... but whatever. Hopefully Jeff and I will find "the house" soon... so I can feel at peace with the environment I put him in.
Speaking of house hunting, I'm feeling so overwhelmed... we almost had one... but had to back out of it after the inspection... then were turned down by two for better offers... I'm getting so drained at this experience... but I don't want to just get any house... I want OUR house, one that feels like home... that's good for a growing family. I know we'll find one... but it just seems like it'll never happen. Jeff is a trooper at the house hunting when I get too overwhelmed and depressed about it... when I give up, he keeps going on and introduces new homes for me to potentially fall in love with.
I'm missing light... so that's something I'm really looking for in our future home... lots and lots of natural light, which my parents house lacks... mind you, I love them and I love the house, but it's not ours, it is not our family home... I need space to move and live and create...
Okay, house hunt rant ... OVER.
Back on topic...
Jeff will be on his way up in just a few hours. I'm so excited!!!! We've been letting David see him via web cam, but David doesn't quite know what's going on, and usually just wants to smash the keyboard.... which is SO cute to watch, but dangerous for the laptop. (He's notorious for locking up computers.)
I'm missing my knitting projects... and my art supplies... I finally got an urge to draw... and of course that happens when I don't have anything with me but a sketch book, pen and pencil.
Kelle Hampton's photos are so inspiring... I couldn't help but sketch a few of them... when I get home I'm hoping to do a few of the sketches as water color or colored pencil, not sure yet. Hopefully she won't mind. :) I've always been inspired by photography. That's why I got into myself... though I'm new to portrait work. I used to only do wildlife/nature and such.
(RIP my sweet Bunny Bunny)
Sooo babies and people and stuff are still kind of new to me... but I enjoy it... though I still prefer to do outdoor photos... cause I love the light. I wish I had a studio set up. Someday... someday...

So originally I started photography so I could get my own reference photos for portraits like this...
or like
I guess I fell in love with my camera... :)
Well... I'm gonna shush myself ... cause I'm "rambling" as my husband would tell me...
So I hope you all have a good "ROARing" Friday... and enjoy the weekend. :)
I hope the snow stops here... I was really starting to enjoy the sun...
So those of you who have sunny warm weather right now... soak some of it in for me. :)
Have I mentioned I'm horribly A.D.D and ramble? haha. Thanks for putting up with me and my sudden topic changes. ;)
Just started reading your blog. I like it very much. You should check out mine. I could use some encouragement right about now!
Haha! I love your ramble post!
House hunting can be so hard! Hopefully you will find something you BOTH love soon, and one that passes all inspections :)
Your photography is amazing! OH my! It's fab!!! I wish I had the talent (and a better camera!) I can't wait to see more of your art, how cool :)
take care, have a wonderful weekend!
Oh Lori, you're silly. I love the photos you've taken of your kidlits!! And the photos of your jewelry are amazing! You rock, and don't you forget it! :)
Thank you so much. :) I'm really excited for winter to be over so I can get out more with David and explore... Minnesota winters can be so hard... makes you hibernate.
I'll be sure to upload when I do finish a project. :)
And Thank you Nisha! Glad to meet you. :)
Have a GREAT weekend!!! :D
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