Thursday, May 14, 2009

6 Month Check Up

Yesterday I had my 6 month check up... (that still floors me... 6 MONTHS!?! Where did the time go??? Seriously!?!) ...I had to do the glucose test which takes an hour, but at least part of the hour is spent with my midwife going through the standard routine of questions and measurements, as well as listening to his little heart beat and the kicks of protest when she puts pressure on his little cozy home.
Jeff was able to take the day to come with me which was nice because I was expecting to go to this one alone, which I hate. So I'm glad he came with me.
The freaky thing she told me this time is that I could start feeling contractions ANY TIME from now to the due date... that is so crazy!
Next up on our to do list is our 3D ultrasound. That will be happening on Tuesday the 19th this month, so expect an update with pictures! :)
Well that's it for now, I just wanted to give a little update on how the baby and myself are doing. :)

1 comment:

Grandma Liz said...

It is so exciting to be so close to you and watch David's development from the outside. Love you, all three of you.