Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rough night...

"Good morning, good morning, good morning little man"
I sing that to him every morning.

This morning he's still snuggled in with his blanket and sock monkey...
But most of the night was spent curled up tight against my body.
He fussed last night at dinner too... I just figured he was tired...
He went to bed around 10:30 or so, but woke up at 11:50ish with a coughing fit. I ran in there so fast... scooped him up and just hushed and rocked him, did a walk / dance to our bedroom to tell Jeffry that he just woke up from a coughing fit. It freaked me out pretty bad. We tried to put him to sleep in our room, in his pack and play... but he wasn't going to have that. Screamed and cried every time we tried... he'd wake up just enough to realize what was happening.

So Jeff rocked him while I went to finish getting ready for bed. When I came back in he had fallen back asleep in his arms... so I layed down and had him lay him in my arms.

We slept like this for awhile... I did manage to get him to the pack and play without him waking up. He slept for awhile... woke up at 4ish like normal for his feeding... so I nursed him, he ate fine, so he can't be feeling TOO sick... then he fell back asleep in my arms again. I just layed there listening to him breathe... quick, uneven, almost panic like breaths. Then he'd stop for a second and I would hear a sound like fluid in his throat... so I'm not sure what's happening... if its just saliva getting caught in his throat, or drainage from his nose... I think we might take another trip to the doctor this coming week.

Well after awhile I moved him back to the pack and play... he cried one whinny little cry, turned over, wiggled his way into the corner, like he always does, and passed right out. He's still laying there... a couple times now he's pulled the covers over his head... but decides that's not as comfortable.

Any way, pray its nothing, and that I'm just worrying for no reason...

"Good morning, good morning, good morning sweet little man"

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