Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rough night...

"Good morning, good morning, good morning little man"
I sing that to him every morning.

This morning he's still snuggled in with his blanket and sock monkey...
But most of the night was spent curled up tight against my body.
He fussed last night at dinner too... I just figured he was tired...
He went to bed around 10:30 or so, but woke up at 11:50ish with a coughing fit. I ran in there so fast... scooped him up and just hushed and rocked him, did a walk / dance to our bedroom to tell Jeffry that he just woke up from a coughing fit. It freaked me out pretty bad. We tried to put him to sleep in our room, in his pack and play... but he wasn't going to have that. Screamed and cried every time we tried... he'd wake up just enough to realize what was happening.

So Jeff rocked him while I went to finish getting ready for bed. When I came back in he had fallen back asleep in his arms... so I layed down and had him lay him in my arms.

We slept like this for awhile... I did manage to get him to the pack and play without him waking up. He slept for awhile... woke up at 4ish like normal for his feeding... so I nursed him, he ate fine, so he can't be feeling TOO sick... then he fell back asleep in my arms again. I just layed there listening to him breathe... quick, uneven, almost panic like breaths. Then he'd stop for a second and I would hear a sound like fluid in his throat... so I'm not sure what's happening... if its just saliva getting caught in his throat, or drainage from his nose... I think we might take another trip to the doctor this coming week.

Well after awhile I moved him back to the pack and play... he cried one whinny little cry, turned over, wiggled his way into the corner, like he always does, and passed right out. He's still laying there... a couple times now he's pulled the covers over his head... but decides that's not as comfortable.

Any way, pray its nothing, and that I'm just worrying for no reason...

"Good morning, good morning, good morning sweet little man"

Friday, February 26, 2010


This photo melts me into a puddle every time I see it...

Sitting here looking through all the photos I have of David brings these happy little tears to my eyes and I can't help but think about the last 6 months... plus those wonderful 9 months (and one day ;)) I carried him within me.

I still am shocked with myself that I'm not that shocked at all! It feels so natural to be "mommy". How is that possible? To just wake up and know that you ARE mom?

My whole life before David seems like it never really existed. He is my life... its like everything before him was just time filler, like those music montage in TV shows or movies when they want to kill time.

He brings so much light and happiness to my life...

I find myself singing "You are my Sunshine" to him on a daily basis and as I sing it, he smiles and does his cute little bashful "hide my face in mommy's neck" move... and again, those happy little tears slip out of my eyes...

I find myself crying every day because of him... happy tears, worried motherly tears, sad tears when he cries those heart breaking cries that I can't soothe... but it all seems to normal to me, so natural... and I'm shocked that that doesn't shock me.

Needless to say... I'm hopelessly in love with him...

Hopelessly in love with both my boys...

I watch Jeffry with him and that too brings those happy little tears out to play... they don't always fall... but they're there... gathering, pooling... then swallowed back up as I regain myself... telling myself its silly to cry so much... but I don't really mind the tears... my heart races every time from the overwhelming love I feel...

I can't imagine life without these two special souls...

They are my loves, my life, my happiness and I wouldn't give them up for anything in the world.

David's 1st Tooth

Well its official! David's first tooth broke through yesterday! The second isn't far from the 1st either. I'll be out soon I'm sure. :)
I haven't gotten a picture of it, though you can see the tooth bumps in the photos I uploaded a couple days ago.
Awww I could try right now. My little man is growing up. :)
His grandma says it was a birthday gift to his Grandpa Jeff and Auntie Kara since their birthdays were yesterday. I would have to agree! He waited for the birthdays, what a good little boy. :)
We went to the zoo today with my friend Tiffany. We only got to stay for about an hour, but he really seemed to enjoy himself. He mainly just looked at the green of the trees... and of course the fish when we got to the reef section. He could of sat there for hours if I let him... I got some pictures, but I have yet to download them onto the computer, so I'll upload them when I get the chance.
Well I'm off to find dinner for the family.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Floor Mat Fun!

6 month pictures

Thanks to my friend Carlton McMillan who is a wonderful photographer, I was able to get some 6 month studio shots of David. :) I love how they turned out. :)
Also happy because he was able to get some of me and David... there aren't a lot of the two of us, since I'm usually behind the camera. So I'm always happy when I can get into a shot with him. :)

Here he is with his daddy's favorite hat. :)

I hope you all enjoy the photos as much as I do. :)
I'll have some more photos of him from around the house soon. :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Saying goodbye to a dear pet and David's 6 month check up...

My dear sweet kitty Rosie was put down on 2-20-10 after 16 and a half years with me... sleeping every night with me, always being there for me when I was down... and just being a part of my soul. She has been losing a lot of weight but eating more than she has ever eaten in her life. You could tell her hips were going out on her... but even with all those problems, I still wanted to hold on her to and keep her as long as I could... but she couldn't stop peeing and pooping on the floors upstairs, and my dad's final straw was her going on his bed... he decided to make the decision for me. My heart breaks losing her, but I knew the time was coming... the baby can't be around such mess... and I was getting overly protective of the baby and stopped paying attention to her as much... talk about making me feel even worse... but yeah...
I loved her so deeply her whole life... and I will continue to love her...
I'm sad David never knew her the way I did. She was a wonderful cat. RIP my sweet sweet "bunny".
Onto the update about my little man...

David had his 6 month check up today. He's now 18 pounds, 26 inches long, and in the 50th percentile pretty much. He's a good healthy steady growin' little boy. Makes momma proud! ;)

Any way, I did bring up a few things with Dr. Jones.
One being the red sore in his neck fold that has been there since he was really little. This week it started looking really bad.
I guess he's got a little yeast infection there. I felt a little guilty about it... but Dr. Jones reassured me there was nothing I could really do to keep it from happening since you can't keep the moisture from getting trapped there. Either way though, I would of loved to be able to keep it dry... but yeah, whatcha gonna do?

He did have to get 3 shots today... Jeff is usually with me to help me deal with it, but he wasn't able to make it to this appointment. They brought another nurse in to hold David down during the shots. He only cried for a second, but he wasn't happy about what they did. They asked him if he wanted to go back to Momma and he looked at me, then back at the nurse, then back at me... and stretch out... grabbed my shirt, then I picked him up and he hid his face in my shirt... he's such a sweet heart. Not long after that he passed out.
Well... that's about it for his check up. Nothing really knew. :)
No news is GOOD news!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Good evening my friends and loved ones...
I'm conflicted... trying to find natural light at my parents house with out having to rip the house apart has become quite challenging... and I so badly want to get pictures of my little man with his valentine's day stuff... what to do! WHAT TO DO!
Maybe I'll try to re-arrange the family room tomorrow and see if I can get something put together... other wise I guess I'll just have to do some snap shots... but I'd love so much to get more studio like photos... I'm still learning...
Once we move into our new place (if the inspection goes well and everything is in order) I'm going to have to get something set up there.
I swear David is getting heavier and heavier every day... can you believe that tomorrow is his 6 month birthday???? My little love muffin is half way there to being a year old. Brings tears to my eyes to even think about it. :( Its amazing watching him grow, but at the same time I'm just wanting him to stay little forever.
I'm definitely going to get his pictures taken tomorrow for his monthly set. :)
So surreal... 6 months ago... I was just crawling into beg... contractions still the same... annoying, but not enough to be admitted.
I'm babbling... I'll shush for now, but I just wanted to give a quick update. :)

Goodnight my loves. :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

DIY Backdrops rock...

I haven't gotten the chance to do the things I've read about yet, but I'm super excited to give it a try.

I read that you can drape a blanket on the side of the crib, and having it face the window with good light coming in, and BAM backdrop! It's very exciting! :) Also learned you can take a rolling rack and clamp fabric, sheets, or blankets to it and BAM backdrop...

I'm soooo excited right now to give it a try... but I still need to find a location in the house to try it... gotta remember to breathe and plan...

So any way, expect some fun pictures sooner or later here.... not that the pictures I usually take of him aren't fun ;) These will be some cute little naked baby pictures. :) can't wait. :D :D :D

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Day!

Last night we got the snow storm warning for today... so Jeff worked from home today and we just kind of chilled as a family. We're also waiting anxiously for a call about the house we put an offer on... still no word on that...


Jeff decided to go out and snow blow the driveway.
I decided it would be nice for David to come out and experience his first snow storm. He was always too little to go out before, so this snow must of been for him from God. :) He wasn't quite sure what to think of it... just kind of sat there...
Jeff picked him up after only one picture, but we decided to try a standing in the snow pose for the camera.

It may of been a short trip out into the winter wonderland, but I thought it went very well. :)

And now for the pictures. :)