Wow I didn't mean to go this long with out updating... life just gets so crazy and you lose track of time and the little things you do to relax.
So basically, to fill you in on the biggest thing... Jeff and I moved!!! We finally got our house and we've been here for a whole month now. Can you believe it??? I can't... I still feel like I'm in a dream... the kind of dream that you clean and cook the entire day... but its still a good dream. ;)
My hubby and brother laying the sod down. :)

After the sod was put down. :)
The sunsets we get to watch every evening from our living room window are amazing.
We don't have much yet for interior things... we did just get our couch and chair so that's a plus. I now have a place to snuggle with my little man. :)
As for my little man! Things have been changing for him. He has four teeth now, and cutting two more right now. He is almost walking. He stands all by myself now and gets pretty close to trying to take a step, but he decides not quite yet... he's so cute though, stands up and growls, claps his hands and smiles really really big.
He is 10 and a half months now... I can't believe he's that much closer to a year! (heart attack) So much to do... so much to plan... but I'm determined to make his 1st birthday a blast!
Last weekend he got to meet his Great grandfather for the first time. That was an exciting weekend for me because I've been wanting to get out to North Dakota since he was born, but its such a drive I worried about how David would handle that long in the car seat, but we're an hour closer now so I was feeling pretty good about it. He was a little cranky after the ride, but things went well. Grandpa finally got to get his grandson on a tractor which is a big deal for him... when they play its always "Gonna take a ride on the tractor?" and what not. My father even got him a plushy John Deere tractor... so yeah... big deal for him!!! :)

At his first parade. :)
Grandpa driving the people mover... at this point I started screaming "It's SANTA!! IT'S SANTA!!!" hehe
David waving to Grandpa
Great Grandpa Kensinger
one of the girls in the parade came up and gave David a pinwheel... he didn't know what to think of it... it kind of freaked him out at first...
Had to get a picture of Jeffry and I... and of course, as always, my hubby has to be a goof. hehe
My boys. :) *love
He loves daddy's hat. :)
Standing all by da self... :) So happeh!
Kisses from Great Grandpa Ken
More kisses
Cuddles with Grandpa Steve
Head butt
cuddle bear
Showing G-Grandpa how to do a head tilt
Now... it may look like a cry, but its not... its a growl of excited-ness. He was so interested in the tractor. And when he gets interested in something he does this growl. He is SUCH a boy... hehe.
Here Grandpa, I'll do it for you
My papa loves his grand baby boy :)
He really wanted a grandson... so David made his year :)
We left shortly after his tractor ride. Jeff wanted to get home to check on the sod and get it watered. It was of course... just fine when we got home.. Silly men and their lawn obsessions I tell ya what! ;)
And now... some random pictures of David from the past week or so.
And now I leave you with a wish of a safe and fun filled 4th of July weekend for you all!!!
Love to you all.